
AutoCAD: A Time Saving Command

December 12, 2015

Move, Copy, Rotate within the same button:

The Express Tools tab offers many unique time-saving options. This button puts you in a (running mode) which means once you access the command it keeps you in the command until you finalize it by either the Enter or Esc key آ While in the command you are able to switch between these command options (Move, Copy, Rotate, Scale, Base, Undo) without having to re-access the command.

MCR button

Located in the Express Tools tab / Modify Panel / Move/Copy/Rotate


Command Line: type in MOCOR

Command Line sequence to the first video: Move, Copy and Rotate options are used.

Command: _.MOCORO

Select objects: 1 found
Select objects: ↵

Base point:

[Move/Copy/Rotate/Scale/Base/Undo]<eXit>: M

Second point of displacement:

[Move/Copy/Rotate/Scale/Base/Undo]<eXit>: C

Second point of displacement/Undo/<eXit>: Select the end location

Second point of displacement/Undo/<eXit>: ↵

[Move/Copy/Rotate/Scale/Base/Undo]<eXit>: R

Second Point or Rotation angle:

[Move/Copy/Rotate/Scale/Base/Undo]<eXit>: ↵

Command Line sequence to the next video: Move, Sale, Base and Copy options are used.

*Base allows a new point of displacement to be selected.

Command: _.MOCORO

Select objects: 1 found

Select objects: ↵

Base point:

[Move/Copy/Rotate/Scale/Base/Undo]<eXit>: M

Second point of displacement:

[Move/Copy/Rotate/Scale/Base/Undo]<eXit>: S

Second Point or Scale factor: 2 â†گ type in a numeric size the item was scaled by

[Move/Copy/Rotate/Scale/Base/Undo]<eXit>: B

Base point:

[Move/Copy/Rotate/Scale/Base/Undo]<eXit>: C

Second point of displacement/Undo/<eXit>: ↵

Second point of displacement/Undo/<eXit>: ↵

*Recall you can either select the desired option with a mouse click or type in the capital letter of the option.

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